Documentary Family Photography
. . . the tiny fingerprints on the newly cleaned surfaces, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and you will - to your surprise - miss them profoundly . . .
I love our day long meetings and appreciate the permision to be so close to your life.
Having me over will take time and won't always be comfortable: allowing a stranger in the house for an entire day documenting every aspect of your life takes courage. And we don't like it easy, do we?
(available in Vilnius, Lithuania and worldwide)
The Messy Mornings
€ 300
3 hour shoot time of your morning routine
a downloadable gallery of ~50
The Day in the Life +
a custom-designed book
€ 850
full day shoot time (8 h)
custom-designed hardcover book
(40 - 50 images)
a downloadable gallery of ~150
Not what you're looking for?
Let me know what it is and we'll figure it out.